Monday 14 September 2015

Find Freelance Writing Work At Real Writing Jobs

Find Freelance Writing Work At Real Writing Jobs

Working as A freelance writer is how I earn my bread and butter, so I am always excited when I am offered a new writing assignment. I have worked in this industry for at least three years full time now, and have been writing since I was in high school; so for me writing online is a dream come true.

RealWritingJobs is a membership based site. From what members have told me, there is usually writing work available and the rates are quite reasonable. There is a one time fee to join and this entitles you to work as a writer for as long as you want. Now a lot of freelance writers draw the line at paying to have someone source writing work for you, but from what members of this site have told me, this website bring the jobs to the writer, and you can basically make enough money to cover this fee in less than a week.

Now, I have never worked for any content site or Freelance writing site and had to pay a fee, so this idea was completely new to me. After talking to quite a few fellow writers who are member of RealWritingJobs, i am considering giving it a try. The fee to join is totally refundable if you are not happy with the service the site provides.

Before deciding to write this article, I decided to do my own research and I have found this company to be reputable and legitimate and the writing work that is offered to the freelancers is from legitimate clients. And I liked that fact that the site bring the writing work to the freelancer. It is a lot like some of the content mills work.

I know there are many people who are against membership bases sites and paying a fee for a site to source work for you, however when I dug deeper and found that the work writers were being offered was legitimate and the rates were reasonable, I tend to feel that perhaps it is worthwhile giving this site a go. As freelance writers, we all need as many writing work leads as we can get, so this site might be worth keeping as one those eggs we keep in our freelance work baskets. If you have been freelance writing for awhile you are well aware how valuable those kinds of leads are.

Now; I am not one hundred percent sure about this, but I believe the fee to get started is around $34 and given the majority of work you will be offered will likely be in the $5.00 to $15.00 range depending on the word count and topic of the article, you will make that back in one day. There are also opportunities to make even more than that. If you have specialist knowledge in certain fields, like medical, technical and science knowledge, you could earn even higher rates.

Another point I should raise is the fee to join is likely tax deductible. So check this with your accountant, but the fee to join RealWritingJobs is likely to be tax deductible. So keep a record and when tax time comes around, be sure to ask your tax adviser. Given most freelance writers work as independent contractors and are responsible for their own taxes, you really should have an accountant or tax specialist to assist you with managing your tax affairs.

The amount of money you make is totally up to you, you are free to work whenever you want and set your own hours. Keep in mind that you do not work for RealWritingJobs, you are an independent contractor and RealWritingJobs source writing work for you. The clients that you write for pay you via Paypal or you can request a check or direct bank deposit. Most freelance writers have a Paypal account, so if you don't, do yourself a favour and get one, it is the best way to do business online and probably the most efficient.

So I hope that I have saved you the trouble of needing to research this site yourself. The information above has come to me via other freelancers and bloggers who spend some of their time working on this site. Most writers at RealWritingJobs report that they work everyday, so the potential to earn on a daily basis is something that many freelancers are looking for. I wish you the best of luck with your writing career.

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